Launch your Rails app at lightning speed with other makers 🚀

The most complete startingblock for your Rails app. Let yourself be guided by the simplest Ruby on Rails boilerplate and community of makers.

100€ off for the first 150 customers (42 left)

Best MVP tech stack


Eliminate repetitive boilerplate code, speed up your launches

Hand picked features that will guide and save you time.

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indie makers ruby on rails boilerplate

How do we even start?

When I started coding, I had no idea where to start. Most tutorials were too complex for me to understand. I wanted to build something simple and learn along the way.

This boilerplate was built following Le Wagon's learning methodology, simple documentation, mvp features, and a community of makers to help you along the way. You will never be alone in your journey to become a maker.
Let's build together

indie makers ruby on rails boilerplate

Hi, I'm Dani 👋

Former Head of Product Offline at Le Wagon, the first Ruby on Rails bootcamp in Europe, and an MVP enthusiast.
I founded two RoR dev shops and slogged through 50+ RoR projects—repeatedly adding the same gems, setting up Stripe, and crafting yet another landing page. It was a time-consuming headache...

But I did learn how to launch MVPs to production at lightning speed and in the most cost-effective way possible. Now, I can launch a new product in just a week.

Wanna join the ride?

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What our makers say

Ruby on rails developer testimonial- Sebastian

Sebastian Gutierrez

Growth @TradeDesk

I have been using LightningRails for my last project and I can say it was the fastest launch to production I have ever done. I am not really good at coding and all the docs and boilerplate code were really easy to use.

Ruby on rails developer testimonial- Ningjie

Ningjie Cao

Le Wagon Alumni

If you are a freelancer or webdev agency founder looking to scale your business by 10x from the very beginning, look no further than LightningRails. This set of tools will not only streamline your set up process, but also enable you to integrate key business components (e.g. payments, SEO, call-to-actions) in no time.

In the process of acquiring new projects and customers, LightningRails is what gives me the confidence that I could not just sell more, but also deliver Rails project with higher speed and quality - that's a game-changer!

Ruby on rails developer testimonial- Antonio

Antonio Oliveira

Le Wagon Alumni

As a fresh bootcamp graduate, I’m really impressed with the setup of LightningRails! The process is swift, smooth and straightforward. Having email and payment integrations already in place is a huge time-saver. The Tailwind CSS themes are fantastic additions, making it easy and fun to customise and style your app. It’s a very fast and efficient way to get started. Highly recommend!

Simple no-tricks pricing

Pay once and build as many projects as you want with LightningRails and its makers community

100€ off for the next 150 users (42 left)

Full access to V.1.0 github repo

We believe that successfull Web apps only come from trying and failing, so we offer a one-time payment license for you to build as many projects as you need.

What’s included

  • Private discord community of RoR makers
  • List of tools and tips to grow your project
  • Unlimited projects with LightningRails boilerplate
  • 40h+ of headache saved
  • 1:1 consulting call withme

Pay once, own it forever

289€ 189

Get access

Invoices and receipts available for easy company reimbursement upon request

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Frequently Asked Questions

What rails makers are asking about LightningRails

What do I get for my money?

You will have access to a lifetime access of LightningRails boilerplate available as a one-time-purchase license. You also get access to the public documentation to get started and that explains in details how to implement the different features (authentication, payments, etc), how to use the different components, and how to deploy your app.

Finally, you get access to the private Discord community where ruby on rails makers are building and launching new products.

After purchasing your license you will be given access to the source github repository where you can download the latest version of the boilerplate and get started building your app.

Finally, you will be able to book a 1:1 call with me, to discuss your poject idea and get some advice on how to get started.

Can I get a refund?

Unfortunately and because of the nature of the product we cannot offer refunds. We believe that the value of the boilerplate is in the time saved and the features provided. We are confident that you will find the boilerplate useful and that it will help you build your app faster.

What am I allowed to do with this boilerplate?

You are allowed to use the boilerplate to build as many projects as you want. You can use it for personal projects, for client projects, for your own startup, etc. You can modify the code, add new features, remove features, etc. You can also use the boilerplate to build and sell your own SaaS product.

However, you are not allowed to resell the boilerplate itself. You are not allowed to distribute the boilerplate to others. You are not allowed to use the boilerplate to build a boilerplate or a similar product that you would sell or distribute 🙏

Can I have my LightningRails project on a public repository?

No, you cannot have your project on a public repository. The boilerplate is a paid product and the code is not open source. You can use the boilerplate to build your app and sell your app, but you cannot share the code of the boilerplate itself. If the code is leaked on public repostories you are at risk of having your license revoked.

Is this a better boilerplate than JumpstartPro?

Not necessarily—it really depends on your needs. Chris from Jumpstart Pro is one of the top Ruby on Rails developers out there, so his boilerplate is built with exceptional code. However, there are two reasons why I don’t personally use it. First, it's quite expensive 💸. As an indie maker, launching quickly and affordably is key, and paying an annual fee for every new web app isn’t feasible for me. Second, while the code quality is outstanding, it's also highly advanced, which can make it difficult for junior or intermediate developers to grasp.

On the other hand, LightningRails offers a simpler boilerplate that follows the Le Wagon coding school's methodology, prioritizing speed and cost-effectiveness. It’s an ideal choice for indie makers, startups, and agencies looking to launch quickly and on a budget.

Ready to start your next SaaS project? Join the Rails Indie maker community.

Press F to see this page's html, built with LightningRails